Good afternoon Cotee River Families we are excited to get the year started on Monday, August 24th.  As we prepare for the 20-21 school year we have planned additional precautions based on the guidelines provided for the reopening of schools in Pasco County. Our goal every year is to provide a safe and caring learning environment and we are prepared to do the same this school year. It is very important that you are listening and reading all of the communications going out from us and district in order to stay connected and up to date on guidelines and processes in place.


All children will return to school on August 24th regardless of the option chosen.  It is important that families who selected MySchool Online and Pasco eSchool understand the expectation and commitment as your child starts the school year.  If you chose Option 2, MySchool Online, your child will attend school remotely, following our daily school schedule and bell times (Instruction begins no later than 9:40 and dismissal at 4:08). You and your child will have access to their teacher during the regular school day hours.  Attendance is required and will be taken daily in each course.  We have worked hard to meet the needs of your child by placing them in a class based on the option you chose. If we have to make changes to your child’s teacher after August 20th you will be notified.


All parents will be able to locate their child’s teacher name and bus information (if applicable) on the myStudent Parent Portal.  District also sent out communication to families to make sure your address is correct in order to assign the correct bus for your child.  Please check the morning of August 20th so you will know the name of your child’s teacher.


Meet the Teacher/Orientation Day is tomorrow, Thursday, August 20th.  Only our PreK and KG scholars, at Cotee River will be able to come visit their child’s classroom on campus, from 11:30-4:00.  There will be signs posted outside of each classroom asking only one family at a time to enter the classrooms and there will be signage asking families to wait outside the classroom 6 feet apart.  Children in grades 1st-5th will have a virtual option to meet their teacher tomorrow.  Families will be able to access your child’s virtual Meet the Teacher on our school website.  Teachers will also be reaching out to their families on August 20th to verify how your child is going home each day from school.


At this time all of our families can pay your child’s yearly school fees of $29 and purchase a Cotee River T-shirt on line through your parent portal.


When school begins on Monday, August 24th  and Tuesday, August 25th  we will have assistance stationed outside the front of our school if families are needing information, starting at 9:15.  If you will need to register or discuss medical needs for your child we will have stations set up in our media center, also starting at 9:15. If you are needing assistance that requires you to park your car and visit a station, guidelines are in place and signage will be visible to assist.  Everyone is required to wear face covering on the school campus.


If your child is a car rider, drop off begins at 9:25.  We will need to make sure everyone has a car tag for dismissal that should be placed on the dash board and your child has the car wrist band attached to their back pack.  If you do not have a car tag and/or car wrist band we will provide it to you at that time.  Everyone dropping off should be prepared that it may take extended time in order for us to ensure the safety of your child.  Also, when interacting with our staff a face covering is required.


If your child is a bus rider it is important to print off their bus pass, if you have access to a printer, from the parent portal and bring it with them the first day of school.


All children without a medical exemption should be prepared to have their face mask on when entering the bus and on our school campus.  We will provide a lanyard to all of our scholars on day 1, in order to clip their masks when they are provided mask breaks, eating lunch or outside for recess and PE.


Only parents of children in PreK and KG will be allowed to walk their child to the classroom door from 10:00-10:30 the first week of school only. The time frame is after our 9:40 regularly scheduled start of the school day because everyone else is in class before having visitors arrive. If you have a child in PreK or KG with an older sibling, their sibling must walk to their own classroom without their parent and prior to you walking to the PreK or KG classroom.


After the first two days of schools the stations will not be set up outside and an appointment can be made if assistance is needed for registrations or clinical/medical needs by calling the front office.  If you have additional questions or not sure how to receive the support needed please also call the front office so we can assist.  The number is 727 774-3000.


It is important that we all work together to keep our children safe and follow the precautions put into place.  This also includes the daily self-screenings for our staff and students and screener for visitors on our campus.



Stay safe and well. Take care Mrs. Slusser