Important Information to all of our families in regards to designating your child’s Learning Model for Semester 2. November 13th, Friday will be the cut-off date to choose the learning model for your child when we begin semester 2 (when we return from winter break). For example, if your child is currently being instructed through the mySchool On-line platform and you plan on having your child return to the traditional option (back on campus at Cotee River) you will need to call the front office, at (727) 774-3000 in order to make the change. Also, please note as we continue to have more children return to the school building, we may have to modify how the instruction is currently being provided for scholars utilizing the mySchool On-line platform. For example, your current mySchool On-line Teacher may go from teaching one grade to teaching two grade levels, or your child may be receiving their instruction from the traditional classroom teacher and an Instructional Assistant assisting with their learning. Another example may be a co-teach model with both a mySchool On-line Teacher and Traditional Teacher. If any of these options occur, it may also change your child’s teacher. The changes may begin starting in November. The decisions we will need to make will be based on the number of children requiring the mySchool on-line platform and instruction in the Traditional setting. Parents will be notified if there will be changes made.