Good afternoon Cotee River families, this is Mrs. Slusser with your weekly information. We hope everyone was safe during the storm this past week. This week will have our mandatory ATP drill. Monday we will celebrate our Scholars of the Month through Facebook Live and fingers crossed there are no technology glitches. Due to the Tropical storm, the coffee talk with Mrs. Miller has been rescheduled to Thursday November 19th via zoom. The meeting Id and password are the same that was listed in the newsletter and the flyer that was sent home previously. Also November 23rd-27th scholars will be off for Thanksgiving Break. During this time please remember to follow CDC guidelines to minimize potential exposure to others when scholars return to school on Monday, November 30th. It takes all of us to keep everyone safe and well. We hope everyone has a great start to your week. We look forward to seeing our scholars bright, smiling faces ready to learn no later than 9:40 Monday morning. Take care.
Please continue to support our efforts to keep our scholars and staff healthy. Screen your child daily using the Student Screener and contact a medical provider for further guidance if your child develops symptoms or you need medical guidance. COVID-19 testing is available in the community. Contact our front office immediately if your child receives a positive COVID-19 test result by calling 727 774-3000.
Prevention measures for COVID-19:
o The best way to prevent illness is by limiting exposure to the virus.
o Maintain proper social distancing (about 6 feet).
o Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
o If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
o Routinely clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
o Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face covering when around others.
The Pasco County Schools Reopening Plan contains valuable information that will answer many of the most commons questions.