Family Weekly Information:
Good afternoon Cotee River families, this is Mrs. Slusser with your weekly information. We want to thank everyone who was able to contribute to giving back to our community through Hero Squad. Monday is scholar of the month and will be showcased through Facebook Live (Pre-K-2nd will be from 10:00-10:15 and 3rd-5th 10:15-10:30). Thursday is our monthly SAC meeting beginning at 4:30 through the Zoom platform. We will be kicking off our Spring World’s Finest Chocolate fundraiser on our news show Wednesday, February 24th. Scholars who will participate can bring their slips back and receive their first box of chocolate to sell starting Thursday, February 25th. Please see the information sent home for the built-in incentives throughout the fundraiser. We will also be conducting our ATP Drill one day this week. The deadline for purchasing a 5th grade dedication page is February 26th, 2021 and we will not be able to take any requests afterwards because the yearbook company needs to have time to create our yearbook. Have a great rest of the day and we look forward to seeing all of scholars bright smiling faces ready to learn no later than 9:40 Monday morning. Take care
Additional Upcoming Important Information
Parent Survey to assist with Planning for the 20-21 school year (February 15th– February 28th):
Your voice matters! We value your opinion and appreciate you taking time to complete this short survey. Your anonymous opinion gives us feedback to improve your school, identifies things that are working well at our school, and helps us plan for the future. The link will be open starting Monday, February 15th.
ELA Adoption: We Want to Hear from Our PCS Families: Parent & Community Review of Elementary ELA Instructional Materials for Upcoming ELA Adoption
It is our goal as a district to authentically engage our families in the educational opportunities we provide for our 75,000+ students. When teachers, school leaders, and district leaders collaborate with students, families, and communities as true partners, everyone reaps the benefits. We truly value your engagement.
We ask that you visit our Instructional Materials page on our Pasco County Schools website to review the potential books and texts your student(s) will be reading and discussing and the types of work they will be engaging in English Language Arts for the upcoming school year 2021-22.
Pasco County Schools Instructional Materials Website
At the elementary level, three publishers are under consideration: (1) Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Into Reading, (2) Savvas MyView Literacy, and Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA). On our website you will find the usernames and passwords to access the digital resources for all three publishers. After careful review of the materials, we ask that you complete a brief feedback survey to share your thoughts and ideas related to the selection of literacy materials and qualities of the proposed publishers. The link to the survey is posted on the Instructional Materials website. It is also available below:
ELEMENTARY: Parent & Community Review of ELA Instructional Materials Feedback Form
All are encouraged to review the materials, however completing the feedback survey is voluntary. All information collected on the surveys is confidential and all comments will remain anonymous. We appreciate and value your input. This survey closes Friday, February 19, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Thank you!
Yearbook Information:
Yearbook sales are going on. We have 150 to sell and once gone we will not be able to order additional.
COVID Reminders: In order to protect the health of our employees, staff and students, students & visitors must self -screen for symptoms and other risk factors of COVID-19 daily. If your child answers yes to any of these questions they should not be on campus. Student Self Screener Please remember, if you take your child for a COVID test, please communicate with our clinic or front office and students are not to be on campus as they await their COVID test results. If they are well enough to continue with their learning, they can access ZOOM and continue working through myLearning (a device can be provided if needed). A face covering is required on all school buses, in all District buildings, in all school buildings and during all school-sponsored events and activities. This requirement is applicable to all students and to all employees, parents, and visitors entering the buildings and/or attending a school event. The face covering must cover your nose and mouth completely. Our staff continues to remind our students of the proper way to wear masks in class and as they move through our campus. We appreciate your continued support.
Free Lunch and Breakfast Updated Information:
All students (regardless of their eligibility status) will be eligible for free breakfast and lunch for the reminder of the 2020-2021 school year. Below is information you can share with your families.
- Even though meals are currently free, we strongly encourage you to complete a new meal application if your household circumstances have recently changed and you feel you may qualify for free or reduced lunch benefits. Students eligible for free or reduced-price meals can receive free or discounted testing fees, camp registrations, high-speed internet, and other benefits. Schools also receive a portion of their funding based off the percentage of students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals based off their household meal application, regardless of whether that student is attending mySchoolOnline or in person. To review the eligibility guidelines and complete an application, please