Starting on Tuesday January 4, 2022, new school hours will begin.
- Teachers greet scholars at their door 10:00am
- Instruction start at 10:10am
- Car Loop will begin unloading scholars at 9:55am
- The tardy bell is 10:15am
- Dismissal at 4:20
- Order grade levels call: 4-5th, K-1st, Special Needs, 2-3rd
- KG and 1st along with siblings are picked up in the inner car loop. Please make sure you come around the loop in the right lane.
Early Release Day Hours
Early release day hours will be at 2:20pm.
- January 12th
- February 2nd
- March 2nd
- April 13th
If you have any questions, please contact the Front Office at 727-774-3000.