Principal: Sharon Radcliffe
7515 Plathe Road
New Port Richey, FL 34653
Phone: (727) 774-3000
Fax: (727) 774-3091
Have a question or want to provide feedback? You’re in the right place! Let’s Talk! is designed to streamline communication by giving you a central location to submit a question, concern, or comment. Provide your contact information and someone from our school will get back to you very soon.

We need your help!
If you are interested in looking to volunteer this school year, here are some ways to help out.
Gulf Middle School Volleyball Camp

Extreme Summer Challenge
We challenge you to keep your mind in shape this summer. Log in to Lexia and Zearn to exercise your mind, grow your knowledge and win prizes! The challenge is from June 1st through July 31st.
5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony
We will be live-streaming the 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony starting at 2:45 on our facebook page.