Principal: Sharon Radcliffe
7515 Plathe Road
New Port Richey, FL 34653
Phone: (727) 774-3000
Fax: (727) 774-3091
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FSA Testing Week of April 4th
Good evening Cotee River Families. A quick reminder for this week's FSA testing schedule. Tuesday 4th grade scholars will take the Writing FSA, Wednesday 5th grade scholars will take the Writing FSA, Thursday and Friday 3rd grade scholars take the Reading portion of...
Volunteers for Clay Week
We are looking for some approved volunteers to come help out with clay week for our Kindergarten/1st grade students. If you are interested please click on the link.
Reading Fundraiser
Florida Prepaid Information
Parents, The Florida Prepaid Plan has been helping Florida parents save for their children’s college education costs for more than three decades. It has made it possible for parents like you to lock in future tuition costs and avoid the stress of watching...