Principal: Sharon Radcliffe
7515 Plathe Road
New Port Richey, FL 34653
Phone: (727) 774-3000
Fax: (727) 774-3091
Have a question or want to provide feedback? You’re in the right place! Let’s Talk! is designed to streamline communication by giving you a central location to submit a question, concern, or comment. Provide your contact information and someone from our school will get back to you very soon.

February Newsletter
Please take a moment to view our February Newsletter

Your Opinion matters..
Your voice matters! We value your opinion and encourage you to complete this short survey. Your anonymous opinion gives us feedback to improve your school, identifies things that are working well at your school, and helps us plan for the future.
DEAR-Drop Everything and Read
Just as a friendly reminder that tomorrow (3:05-3:45pm) is our Schoolwide DEAR Event (Drop Everything and Read) in honor of Literacy Week
Literacy Week
We hope that you will join us in celebrating Literacy Week next week.