Good afternoon Cotee River Families, this is Mrs. Slusser with your weekly message.

Our first SAC meeting  will be held Monday, August 30th starting at 8:45 and at this meeting we will conduct the yearly voting.  Following the SAC meeting, at 9:45, we will hold our Annual Title 1 meeting that will be available in person or virtually through Zoom (see flyer that went home in the first day packet and in the monthly newsletter).  Thursday, September 2nd is picture day for all of our students, whether you are purchasing pictures or not because fall pictures are used for our yearbook.  5th grade children interested in Art Club must turn their art club application in no later than Friday, September 3rd.  Children in grades 3rd-5th interested in chorus must also turn in their application by Friday, September 3rd.  Applications are due Friday, September 10th, for 4th and 5th grade students interested in Student Council. Mark your calendars for no school on Monday, September 6th, for Labor Day.

Parents we need your help at dismissal.  All car riders need to be picked up through the car loop.  No one should be parking and walking up to get your child. We will not be able to release your child to you without coming through the car loop.  This is to ensure everyone’s safety.


Please continue to support our efforts to keep our scholars and staff healthy. Screen your child before coming to school each day by using the daily screener.  The screener can be located on the district county website, along with our current guidelines.  If you have any questions on whether or not you should send your child to school, please contact our front office at 727 774-3000 to discuss next steps.  In addition, the use of masks and other personal protective equipment will remain highly recommended, but not required in almost all school situations and environments.  However, given the significant increase of cases, usage is strongly encouraged for students to protect themselves and help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in our schools.


Student Notification of Potential Exposure to Positive Individual at School: For students that are notified of having potential exposure to an individual that has tested positive for COVID-19 at school, the parent may:

    • Continue to send the child to school
    • Choose to keep their child at home
      • Parent/Guardian must notify the school that they are choosing to keep their child at home due to potential exposure or the child has become symptomatic.
      • It is important that you contact us, if you are choosing to keep your child home, due a potential exposure or your child has become symptomatic in order for us to excuse the absence.  If we do not receive a call, the absence will be marked unexcused.


We look forward to seeing everyone’s bright smiling faces ready to learn Monday morning, no later than 9:40. Take care.