Good afternoon Cotee River families, this is Mrs. Slusser with your weekly information. There is no school Monday, for President’s Day, the front office will be open from 9:00-3:00. Hero Squad will continue through this Friday, the 19th. Due to the current guidelines, scholars who make on-line donations only will receive prizes sent to their homes that come directly from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation because we are not able to house the prizes at school. All monies collected (on-line and cash donations brought to school) will go to your child’s class total and the class who raises the most money will have a pizza party sponsored by Dominos. Have a great rest of the day and we look forward to seeing all of scholars bright smiling faces ready to learn no later than 9:40 Tuesday morning. Take care
Additional Upcoming Important Information
Hero Squad (Formally known as Pennies for Patients/Pasta):
Here is the link for the Hero Squad Assembly!
World’s Finest Chocolate Fundraiser Kick Off:
We will be kicking off our Spring World’s Finest Chocolate fundraiser on our news show, February 24th. Scholars who will participate can bring their slips back and receive their first box of chocolate to sell starting February 25th.
Yearbook Information:
Yearbook sales are going on. We have 150 to sell and once gone we will not be able to order additional. Also, a flyer went home to our 5th grade scholars with information about the 5th grade dedication page. The deadline for the dedication page is February 26th, 2021 and we will not be able to take any requests afterwards because the yearbook company needs to have time to create our yearbook.
As we start the second semester and look forward to a strong finish to the school year, district has assembled the Semester 2 Family Guide. It includes important links, helpful reminders, and information that will help parents stay connected, and help students stay healthy and focused on learning.
ATP Drill will take place the week of February 22nd
SAC Meeting February 25th
Free Lunch and Breakfast Updated Information:
All students (regardless of their eligibility status) will be eligible for free breakfast and lunch for the reminder of the 2020-2021 school year. Below is information you can share with your families.
• Even though meals are currently free, we strongly encourage you to complete a new meal application if your household circumstances have recently changed and you feel you may qualify for free or reduced lunch benefits. Students eligible for free or reduced-price meals can receive free or discounted testing fees, camp registrations, high-speed internet, and other benefits. Schools also receive a portion of their funding based off the percentage of students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals based off their household meal application, regardless of whether that student is attending mySchoolOnline or in person. To review the eligibility guidelines and complete an application, please visit