Free Wi-fi Access

In an effort to ensure that all students have the tools they need to engage in distance learning, Pasco County Schools is establishing community access wi-fi hubs starting on Wednesday, May 6, at five school sites. The hubs will make it possible for families to easily...

Mrs. Slusser Connect Ed Call May 1st

Good afternoon Cotee River Families, this is Mrs. Slusser with your weekly information. I want to begin by saying thank you and how appreciative I am for all of the messages I have received for Principals Day!  My heart has been filled . Upcoming: Staff Appreciation...

Place Information

PLACE is still accepting Summer and Fall 2020 registrations through  At this time, we are planning to open for summer, but are remaining fluid with this decision as it is delegated by the school board. ·        Any PLACE clients with current balances on...

Mrs. Slusser Connect Ed April 20th

Text Version of Mrs. Slusser’s Connect Ed Call that went out today. Good afternoon Cotee River families, this is Mrs. Slusser calling with an important reminder regarding Pasco County Schools’ feeding program tomorrow, Tuesday, April 21. The bus will arrive at...